Friday, May 20, 2011

Installing Expresion Blend 4 SP1

If you get the message "Upgrade not applicable" when trying to install Expression Blend 4 SP1, this is most likely because you already have the Windows Phone Development Tool installed.

WPDT will install a copy of Blend with SP1 to design Windows Phone Silverlight app.

If your version of Blend is : 4.0.20901.0, then you already have the SP1 installed.

Expresion Blend 4 SP 1 Download page


Monday, May 09, 2011

Running Visual Studio Load Test

If you are creating a load test in Visual Studio, the load test result will be saved to a SQL Server database.

There is a one time setup which you need to do in order to save the result into the database.

1) You need to create the database schema in a SQL Server database. To do this, run the following sql script in SQL Server to create the database:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\loadtestresultsrepository.sql

Note : Use 'Program Files' if you are on 32bit. Use 'Program Files (x86)' if you are on 64bit.
Use 'Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0' if you are using Visual Studio 2010. Use 'Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0' if you are using Visual Studio 2008.

The default database name is 'LoadTest2010' (for VS 2010) and 'LoadTest' (for VS 2008).

2) You need to configure the database connection string in Visual Studio so that the load test know where to save the test result. To do this,
go to menu Test -> Manage Test Controller, then click on the browse button to enter you connection string.

You only need to do these steps once. The same database will be used for all load tests for all projects.

If you do not do the above steps, you won't be able to see result after you run the load test.


Save Fiddler Session as Visual Studio Web Test

Fiddler enable you save a recording session as 'Visual Sudio Web Test'. The web test can then be added to the Visual Studio test project.
This function used to be acceesible from menu File -> Save.

However, if you are using a newer build (release since early 2011), this function has been moved to File -> Export Session. You can choose 'Visual Studio Web Test' from the dialog drop down.

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